積極的人生觀人生不如意者十常八九,要以樂觀積極的態度去面對逆境。You can’t always have a good day. But you can always face a bad day with a good attitude.Share This Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email Related PostsFebruary 21, 2025不要嘗試改變人們對你的感覺,要過自己的生活,並且保持愉快You can’t change how people feel about you. So don’t even try. Just live your…February 20, 2025帶著希望向前看,而不是帶著遺憾回頭看Look forward with hope not backward with regret.February 19, 2025訓練自己的頭腦在任何情況下都能保持冷靜Train your mind to be calm in every situation.December 20, 2020Shyh Jieh Chung生活小語/Daily Wisdom Shyh Jieh Chung
February 21, 2025不要嘗試改變人們對你的感覺,要過自己的生活,並且保持愉快You can’t change how people feel about you. So don’t even try. Just live your…