It’s easy to have a…
551. 披星戴月、星月爭輝、月明星稀、月明星稀、天上星多月不明 552. 三月不知肉味
It is hard to come…
答案可能不只一個- 551. 腥 552. 朒…
Perspective has decided our feeling…
549. 氣如游絲 550. 單絲不成綫
Mindset has decided our perspective.
答案可能不只一個- 549. 絮 550. 繟(chan2)
A full moon is beautiful,…
547. 抽絲剝繭、治絲益棼 548. 寸絲不挂
Confucius said, “Fine words and…
答案可能不只一個- 547. 紛 548. 紂