History should be remembered. Leave…
379. 順水推舟、濟河焚舟、興家猶如針挑土,敗家好似水推舟 380. 曾經滄海難爲水
The rewards from the society…
答案可能不只一個- 379. 洀 380. 溈(gui1)
Intelligence is like a torch…
377. 露水夫妻 378. 水到渠成
Beauty is in the eye…
答案可能不只一個- 377. 淒 378. 洷
Keep the general goal in…
375. 谷深水急 376. 落花流水、鏡花水月
New brooms sweep clean.
答案可能不只一個- 375. 浴 376. 澕(he2)