349. 覆水難收、曾經滄海難爲水 350. 萍水相逢
Age comes to you without…
答案可能不只一個- 349. 灘 350. 湘
Time is irreversible or recreated.
347. 楚囚對泣 348. 車水馬龍、蛟龍得水、龍游淺水遭蝦戯、大水衝倒了龍王廟
The fragrance of flowers is…
答案可能不只一個- 347. 泅 348. 瀧
Adapt the method to suit…
345. 海水不可斗量 346. 洗心革面、落花水面皆文章
The good seaman is known…
答案可能不只一個- 345. 河 346. 湎
Confidence is the first secret…