It’s hard to sip and…
175. 寧爲雞口勿爲牛後 176. 鳥語花香
Well preparation can avoid panic.
答案可能不只一個- 175. 嚀 176. 鳴
Nothing is absolute. Things only…
173. 嘵嘵(呶呶、喋喋)不休 174. 酒後(口)吐真言
It is much better to…
答案可能不只一個- 173. 咻 174. 嗔
There will be no waves…
171. 愛在心裏口難開 172. 口無遮攔、有口無心、啞口無言、口説無憑、小孩有耳無口
Learn other people’s superiors to…
答案可能不只一個- 171. 噯 172. 嘸