691. 風流雲散、烟消雲散、雨散雲收 692. 步步高升
Give up those unachievable goals.
答案可能不只一個- 691. 霰(xian4) 692. 陟
The greatest pleasure of our…
689. 沛然大雨、沛然莫之能禦 690. 櫛風沐雨、雨沐風餐
The reason why people are…
答案可能不只一個- 689. 霈 690. 霂
The reason why people suffer…
687. 入門各自媚 688. 篳門圭竇
Open your mind and you’re…
答案可能不只一個- 687. 閣 688. 閨
Choosing let go is not…