639. 巧言令色 640. 言外之意、意在言外
No matter how much it…
答案可能不只一個- 639. 詅(ling2) 640. 譩
The less you say, the…
637. 天花亂墜 638. 言不及義、顧左右而言他
A small crack will become…
答案可能不只一個- 637. 譁 638. 謗
One seed is planted, ten…
635. 琵琶絃上說相思 636. 不聽老人言, 吃虧在眼前
A filament does not form…
答案可能不只一個- 635. 諰(xi3) 636. 謏(xiao1)
One who stirs the pot…