Honesty is the most important…
471. 手無寸鐵、手裏無錢活死人 472. 手不釋卷
Moral character is more important…
答案可能不只一個- 471. 撫 472. 捲
Life is above all else.
469. 茶來伸手,飯來張口 470. 一朝權在手便把令來行
Things of real quality will…
答案可能不只一個- 469. 扣 470. 拎
The greedy fish is easily…
467. 垂手可得、垂手而立、垂手侍立、垂拱而治 468. 大打出手、出手大方
Experience is the best teacher.
答案可能不只一個- 467. 捶 468. 拙