Habit becomes character that may…
227. 哀莫大於心死 228. 哀莫大於心死
Learning from other’s superiors to…
答案可能不只一個- 227. 忘 228. 悴
Always consider others people benefit.
225. 憂心如焚、心亂如麻、心如刀割、心口如一、心如止水、歸心如(似)箭、稱心如意、稱心快意 226. 哀莫大於心死
One should discipline oneself in…
答案可能不只一個- 225. 恕 226. 忙
Keep the moral mind like…
223. 心如刀割 224. 心如刀割
One should live with others…
答案可能不只一個- 223. 忉 224. 忍