危機亦是轉機 There is always a…
Some things cannot be accomplished…
俗云:「此地無銀三百兩。」事情往往越描越黑。 Don’t try to prove…
人生難得是糊塗。有時須睜一眼閉一眼,天下自然太平無事。 Where ignorance is bliss,…
The palest ink is better…
If a family is harmonious,…
Every family has its problems.
East, west, home is best.
老子曰:「上善若水。」水至柔,卻無堅不摧。 Soft and fair goes…
俗云:好的開始是成功的一半。 A bad beginning makes…
You’re never too old to…
A single spark can start…