俗云:病從口入,禍從口出。要謹言慎行。 Least said, soonest mended.
It is never too late…
俗云:龍交龍,鳳交鳳。 Let beggars match the…
Money makes the mare to…
Lock the stable door after…
老子云:禍兮福之所依,福兮禍之所伏。 Every cloud has a…
衝動只能僨事 Look before you leap.
Idleness leads to ruin.
Great wits jump.
有需要就有發明,這固然是促使社會進步的動力,然而卻也是傷害自然環境的主因,值得吾人深思。 Necessity is the mother…
Do not intrude your opinions…
The essence of democracy is…