Take things as they come.
引路靠貴人,走路靠自己,成長靠學習,今天要比昨天活得更精彩。 Go your own way…
Character is what makes a…
肯努力,有恆心,自然有成就。 There are many ways…
God helps those who help…
人總以為來日方長,卻忘了世事無常。機會一去不回頭。 You will regret if…
吃飯是為了活著,但活著卻不是為了吃飯。 Eat to live, but…
過去再美好,也是過去;曾經再幸福,也是曾經。 Let bygones be bygones.
Every man is the architect…
生活正如品嘗一杯香醇的咖啡,苦澀之中自有甘甜。 Life is a mixture…
Adversity makes a person wise,…
Time tames the strongest grief.