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We have attached the student enrolment form. Kindly please print it out and fill in required details and then lodge upon enrolment. Alternatively, you may return it online. All information collected is only to pass to the Department of Education NSW.


Online Enrolment Form

Fields marked with * are mandatory

    Student(1) name (English)*

    Student(1) name (Chinese)

    Date of Birth*


    Name of Day School*

    Day School Grade*

    Student(2) name (English)

    Student(2) name (Chinese)

    Date of Birth


    Name of Day School

    Day School Grade

    Student(3) name (English)

    Student(3) name (Chinese)

    Date of Birth


    Name of Day School*

    Day School Grade

    Student(4) name (English)

    Student(4) name (Chinese)

    Date of Birth


    Name of Day School

    Day School Grade

    Father's name

    Mother's name





    Are there any younger non-school age children in the family?

    If yes, how many?

    Does your child has any allergies? If YES, please specify below:

    Need of medication? If YES, please specify below:

    Do you give your permission to pass the above information to the Education Department or on the website?
    (If no, you child/children will NOT be funded by the government.)

    Additional message

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